
Relationship Counselling for Individuals


Relationships matter to us. So when they are not going well, we can feel very distressed and unsure of ourselves.

Counselling can help.

Are you experiencing heartbreak and loss, betrayal, issues around trust, anxiety, loneliness, lack of confidence, a yearning to feel close to others, a fear of rejection and abandonment?

Counselling can support you to go on a journey to heal your heart and deepen your understanding of you and your relationships.

I welcome you in your uniqueness. Whether you are single or in a relationship, whatever your sexuality or gender identity, ethnicity, heritage, disability, social class, you are welcome to contact me.



Counselling is a supportive place to express your feelings, and come to an understanding of them. Counselling with an experienced professional can offer a way through to a better and kinder relationship with yourself. And counselling can be be a journey of deepening your own knowing and wisdom. In time, with support, reflection and effort you will begin to see how some of the familiar patterns and dynamics in your current and past relationships have been getting in the way of you having deeper and more fulfilling relationships with others.

My name is Julie and I am a Psychotherapist and Counsellor who brings professionalism, warmth, kindness, humour and challenge. I am passionate about working with you to find a way through your relationship issues and struggles.

Below are some of the more common relationship wounds that you might be experiencing right now:

Are you heartbroken at the end of a relationship? (whether you ended it or the one who has been left)

Counselling can offer you time, space and support to really explore your feelings of grief, anger, bewilderment, guilt, shame. We can look at the impact a relationship ending has had on you, either recently or from long ago (it can take time for us to be ready to look at old wounds). Feeling our feelings, making sense of our experience and connecting to our new found wisdom can allow our heart to heal in readiness for what it seeks next.

Stuck in negative and repeating patterns and don’t know how things can ever change?

No matter what the relationship, you will find yourself in familiar patterns:

‘Why does this always happen? Why do the people I choose in my life let me down/betray me/ insert…?’ Often we don’t clearly see what we do or how we are, or why we make the decisions we make. Even when we say to ourselves, ‘I’m not doing that again/dating that type of person,’ we then go on to do exactly that. This is because other forces are at work deep in our unconscious; the old suppressed patterns of how we are, the old old stories we may have been told and continue to tell ourselves; ‘I’m not worthy, I’ll always be alone, no one could ever love me,’ and so on.

  “Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.” (Jung)

Counselling offers you the support, expertise and safety to go on a journey to begin to understand these patterns and actually give yourself a fighting chance to choose how you are, what you want from and what you offer in relationships. Knowing yourself well gives you the opportunity to make better decisions for you and your current and future relationships.

Have low self esteem and lack confidence in relationships?

Sometimes in relationships we find ourselves always agreeing with others, doing what they feel like doing, and finding ourselves hitched to their plans. This can happen because we might not value ourselves enough, or have the confidence to say what it is we would like. Sometimes, it is because we really do not know what our needs and desires are. Counselling can help you to get to know yourself and have a deeper relationship with you, which ultimately changes how you are able to communicate and ‘be you’ in your relationships.


Your task is not to seek for love but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it - Rumi


How I work

As a professional Psychotherapist and Counsellor, I have experienced first-hand the benefits of counselling and believe it can bring about profound change. Counselling with me is about talking (not always easy so let’s be gentle) and listening and feeling and wondering and being curious. Whatever your relationship struggles, you will have an ally in me and I bring warmth, empathy and humour. I also bring challenge to our sessions.


As well as a face to face practice in Brighton, I offer online sessions. Sessions with me are 50 minutes long, and are on the same day and time in a weekly slot reserved for you.

How long?

Perhaps you will need a few sessions to get something off your chest and a few sessions is all that you require. Perhaps you want to look at how you are in relationships and will need or want to work more medium or longer term to fathom that out and see lasting profound change. We will go at your pace, working towards a fuller understanding of how you are in the world, and in your relationships, through a deepened and renewed connection to yourself. For however long you want to come, for however long you want to be on this journey, we will be working together, collaboratively, with your best interests in heart and mind.

What will it be like?

We might start with what brings you to counselling. A loss, a confusion, a hurt of some kind. You might not know what it is really about or why you are feeling not ok. It is ok not to know. Counselling can help you work it out.

We might start to look at your past and how it might be impacting you now (this is a psychodynamic approach). How did your family relate to each other? What were their expectations of each other and how might these ways and beliefs about relationships affect how you are now, as an adult? What stories about you (that you continue to tell yourself), keep you from living your life with the rich and deep connections you yearn for?

And we might begin to notice what is happening in your body at different times, so that if you are are anxious we can look at ways of bringing your anxiety to more tolerable levels.

We will bring some soul into our sessions.  Soul expresses itself in different ways, in ways that don’t necessarily make sense, but if we pay attention may have something profound to say to us. So, I may invite you to draw, journal or bring objects (everyday items) to the session. We might look at photos from your life. We might work with images that spring to mind or dreams you have had. We can do all this online.



My fees are £85 for a 50 minute session.




When we have agreed a time and day, and I have received payment for the session, I will send you a link via email to our online session (at the moment I am on Zoom).

In the room, Brighton

The Practice Rooms, Ship St, Brighton, BN1 1AF



Contact Me

Contact me via the button below and we can arrange a time for an Online Video initial session. An initial session is a paid for 50-minute session. You will get a sense of what counselling with me is like. If you wish to proceed, we can meet weekly at the same time in a slot reserved for you.

Please don't hesitate to contact me with any questions, large or small.

If you would like to know more about my approach before you book a session, I offer a fifteen minute phone call, for free, at a mutually arranged time.